

Oct 24

Invitation to 2015 BoFEP AGM (November 20th)

Good Day!  The BoFEP Annual General Meeting will be held 1-4 pm on Friday, 20 November in the Jennings Dining Hall Banquet Room, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB.
(#25 on the map at http://www.mta.ca/mtamap/).

The guest speakers will be Scott Kidd who will speak about the OHI (Ocean health Index) project that BoFEP is currently undertaking. He will speak on progress, issues and outcomes toward being able to develop an index for the area of the Bay from the US border to Musquash Estuary.

Other agenda items will include discussion of the Retreat Report and moving forward with the recommendations from the report—actions and the look of BoFEP in the future; reports on BoFEP activities such as finances, etc., and of course, election of officers and Steering Committee.

A reminder that the annual BoFEP membership fee ($25 for individuals and organizations) is now due for 2015/2016. Membership entitles you to vote at the AGM. Please renew today!
Please confirm your attendance by e-mailing me: mjanowicz@hotmail.com and also confirm your interest in remaining on Steering Committee.

On behalf of the Management Committee, we look forward to seeing you on the 20th.

Marianne Janowicz
BoFEP Chairperson