

Nov 16

Review of BoFEP Strategic Plan

Attendees at the 2014 BoFEP AGM are advised that we proposing to revisit its 2011-2015 Strategic Plan at a planned BoFEP Retreat in the near future (Date and location TBA).  This will be an excellent opportunity for moving the group forward, so members are encouraged to read or re-read it and give some thought as to how it might be revised.

This working document describes the BoFEP Strategic Plan for the period 2011–2115. It was prepared for the Steering Committee and membership to help shape a future direction and agenda for BoFEP. As funding opportunities, personnel, and environmental issues of concern change with time, it is necessary for an organization to examine itself and plan accordingly. This strategic plan was the outcome of several years of intermittent planning and analysis, led by the Outreach Working Group and its Strategic Planning Advisory Committee. It identifies an organizational and operational path forward for BoFEP. We believe that a review and updating of the Strategic Plan will lead to a more sustainable organization and work output of continued value to the mission and goals of BoFEP. BoFEP’s Strategic Plan 2011-2015 D11.