The following are links to Webpages containing a wealth of information about the Bay of Fundy. They are arranged in general categories for convenience. Select the category of interest from the list, or simply browse down the page. This page is regularly updated, so you should check back periodically. If you find problems with any of the links, or would like to suggest additional worthwhile web pages please contact BoFEP.

Choose a General Category
Biology & Natural History
Climatology & Meteorology
Economics & Industry
Fisheries & Aquaculture
Geography & Physiography
Geology & Sedimentology
Gulf of Maine
Pollution & Contamination
Sociology & Demographics
Transportation & Shipping

Miscellaneous Fundy Facts

Biology & Natural History [select a subcategory]
          Birds: seabirds and shorebirds
          Ecological issues
          General ecology & natural history
          Marine mammals: whales and seals
          Marine plants: seaweeds, phytoplankton
          Marine protected areas

Birds: seabirds and shorebirds

Oiseaux de rivage de la baie de Fundy
Shorebirds of the Bay of Fundy
Arctic Tern diet as a predictor of herring catches in the BoF
Fundy shorebirds
Mary's Point (French)
Mary's Point (English)
Shorebirds at Mary's Point
Oiseaux de rivage à Mary's Point
Shorebird migration (Background materials)
Shorebirds at Mary's Point
Sandpipers and Sediments Fundy Issues # 3
Shorebirds and Other Birds of Coastal Wetlands
Brothers Island Tern Report 1995
Brothers Island Tern Report 1996
Brothers Island Tern Report 1997
Brothers Island Tern Report 1998
Brothers Island Tern Report 1999
Grand Manan Birds
CEC Important Bird Areas Directory


The Marine Invertebrate Diversity Initiative (MIDI)
World Famous Digby Scallop
Corophium volutator Fundy Issues # 13
Deep water, northern corals
American Lobster species profile
Green Sea Urchin - species profile

Ecological issues

Death Watch on the Petitcodiac (effect of a causeway)
Pictures before and after the Petitcodiac causeway Sentinelle Petitcodiac Riverkeeper
Ecosystem Changes in The Bay Of Fundy
Disturbance of benthic habitat by fisheries Fundy Issues #14
Ecological change in the Bay of Fundy Fundy Issues #15

General ecology & natural history

Ecopath For Managing Ecosystems a free Windows-based software designed to help construct a (simple or complex) model of the trophic flows in an ecosystem, to analyze   the system, and to study interactions in the system
GOM critical species list
Unearthing evidence that mud matters
Natural History of Blomidon - Beach Combing
Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Protocols - EMAN
Natural History of Grand Manan
Sea life around Grand Manan
Undersea life in GOM - pictures


Atlantic Herring - species profile
Atlantic Mackerel - species profile
Juvenile Atlantic Cod - species profile
Lumpfish - species profile
ASF Requests Fundy Salmon Listed under SARA (Species at Risk Act)
Salmon declared endangered in Maine rivers ASF has created a special web-page with access to the latest documents, including: the US Federal Government's 16-page guide to the listing process, their press release on the listing, a MAP of the 8 rivers, and the full US Federal Register

Marine mammals: whales and seals

Whales of Fundy
North Atlantic Right Whales Fundy Issues # 6
Seals and Whales of Fundy and their Sounds
Harbour Porpoise Factsheet
Northern Right Whale
Whale watching -Code of Ethics
Whale Watching 2000: A new economic report issued by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) states that whale watching generates more than $1.5 billion per year.

Marine plants: seaweeds, phytoplankton

Dulse and other seaweeds
Rockweed in GOM - Workshop Proceedings


Salt marshes
Salt marsh palaeoecology studies
Salt marsh conservation Fundy Issues #16
CCNB Estuary Restoration Program
Salt Marshes Links Saltmarsh Meta-data Site
Salt Marshes CWS Sackville Salt Marsh Web Site

Marine protected areas

My Thoughts On Protected Areas - Mary Majka
Marine Protected Area under the Oceans Act,

Climatology & Meteorology

Community-Based Environmental Observation Program revive a 100-year-old local nature observation program using schools, community groups and keen individuals to observe the natural response to climate change.
Fundy weather
Greater Fundy Ecosystem-physical characteristics
Fog Zone, Gulf of Maine, Bay of Fundy

Economics & Industry

Ocean Industries Database
Genuine Progress Index the GPI assesses the ecological, social and economic value of resource exploitation
Forestry: Clearcutting in Nova Scotia Ecology Action Centre; pictures of clear cuts

Fisheries & Aquaculture

Just Fish: Ethics And Canadian Marine Fisheries A team of scientists examined justice in the Canadian fisheries in order to seek an ethical foundation upon which to base guidelines for fisheries policies and decision-making in the future.
Invertebrate Fisheries - DFO St. Andrews
Fisheries Links - DFO Maritimes Region
Shellfish Classification Areas - Nova Scotia
Harvesting Underutilized Species Fundy Issues # 10
Aquaculture Fundy Issues # 7
Rockweed Harvesting Fundy Issues # 4
Economically Important Sea Plants
CCNB Finfish aquaculture Program
CCNB Aquaculture policy Conservation Council of New Brunswick's aquaculture policy
Fundynet Aquaculture-Fisheries Driectory
Fisheries File - Index
FISHERMEN'S WEBSITE Mostly Gulf of Maine
Sea urch in roe harvesting
Maritimes Lobster Fishing Zones
NAFO East Coast Fisheries Zones
Aquaculture Coordination Branch DFO Maritimes
New Brunswick Aquaculture Policy
Atlantic Salmon Federation Website A wealth of information about Atlantic Salmon
Nova Scotia Aquaculture NS Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Site

Geography & Physiography

Coastweb Website established by the Geological Survey of Canada.   It contains a variety of information on the geology and physical processes of Canada's coastline,
Canadian Landforms -Bay of Fundy
Fundy Ecozone - General
Greater Fundy Ecosystem-physical characteristics
Impacts of coastal structures Fundy Issues # 9
Tidal and Riverine Restrictions Fundy Issues # 11
List of Fundy Rivers with map
Map of Rivers in Inner Bay of Fundy
Maritime Canada Map
Gulf of Maine bottom topography map
National Atlas - Facts about Canada's coastline
Bay of Fundy dimensions
Nautical Chart Products - DFO
Northern Fundy Watersheds
Common Coordinates Participatory GOM Mapping Project

Geology & Sedimentology

Formation of Bay of Fundy - geology
Geology - Saint John Ecozone
Hopewell Rocks
Particle Dynamics Lab - sediment analysis Annapolis Basin
Diligent River fossils
Fundy Geological Museum, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic)
Seabed Mining Fundy Issues # 5
Geology Map of Grand Manan
Geology of Grand Manan
Salt marsh palaeoecology studies

Gulf of Maine

Gulf of Maine Watershed Index and map
Gulf of Maine Watershed Map + stats
Gulf of Maine Watershed map
Gulf of Maine bottom topography map
GoM Ecosystem Health Workshop Summary
Gulf of Maine Bibliography for 1994
e-Atlas of Gulf of Maine Island Institute


early resources of GOM
Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society
Historical notes on Fundy National Park and the GFE Historical events timeline

Miscellaneous Fundy Facts

Oceans Program Activity Tracking System provides information on Oceans Program activities taking place under Canada's Oceans Act.
e-Atlas "projects mapping"   Gulf of Maine
The Earth Chronicles -- The Bay of Fundy
Bay of Fundy - general info
Georges Bank Review Studies List
Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership Fundy Issues # 1
Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (Revised) Fundy Issues # 1 (revised)
Bay of Fundy, Maritime Canada, Index
State of the Greater Fundy Ecosystem


Quick Facts Bay of Fundy Tides
Tides and Natural Processes Fundy Issues # 2
Tidal Action in Bay of Fundy   with map of Gulf of Maine
Currents in Bay of Fundy GOM with seafloor map
Maine's History of Sea-Level Changes
Canadian Tide Tables including Bay of Fundy
Currents of the Atlantic Ocean

Pollution & Contamination

Canadian Pollution Watch a new website established by Canadian environmental organizations. Key in your postal code to get a pollution rating and local sources .
airborne mercury
GOM land based pollution sources
Pollution in the Bay of Fundy Fundy Issues # 8
GulfWatch Pollution Monitoring Fundy Issues # 12
Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Initiative
Web site on hormone disrupting chemicals

Sociology & Demographics

Canadian Rural Partnership 2000 Annual Report
Resource Materials For Communities website features resource materials for community groups, including guidelines for developing a project, fundraising, health and environment, and tools for building sustainable communities.

Transportation & Shipping

Missing Links?
Do you know of other informative Fundy web sites that  should be listed here?
If so, please submit category,
the complete URL of the site and a few words about the content.
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