The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is dedicated to:

  • promoting the ecological integrity, vitality, biodiversity and productivity of the Bay of Fundy  ecosystem, in support of the social well-being and economic sustainability of its coastal communities

  • facilitating and enhancing  communication and co-operation among all citizens interested in understanding, sustainably using and conserving the resources, habitats and ecological processes of  the Bay of Fundy.

is predicated on the following general principles:

  • Conservation, protection and management of  Bay  of  Fundy resources and their habitats should be ecosystem-based and reflect an holistic understanding of ecosystem structure, processes and interactions.

  • Resource development and other coastal zone activities should be based on ecologically sound integrated coastal planning and management.

  • Coastal planning and management should be transparent and open to participation by resource users, coastal communities, industries, scientists, governments, managers and all other individuals and groups with interests in the Bay of Fundy ecosystem.

  • Effective communication and active co-operation among all  citizens with an interest in the Bay of Fundy, and linkages with groups and programs that share similar objectives are vital to this enterprise.

BOFEP will initially undertake to:

  • form a geographically dispersed, adaptable, responsive and inclusive network ("Virtual Institute") linking all partners who share the vision and principles;

  • serve as a readily accessible network for scientific, community and other knowledge pertaining to the Bay of Fundy by:

    - facilitating the timely sharing of  information about the  Bay of Fundy among partners.

    - fostering effective communications among interested groups and individuals.

    - encouraging and facilitating co-operative activities and linkages among partners and with other interested groups or individuals;

  • promote and facilitate the regular assessment of the state of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem (or of specific issues) which will identify issues, priorities, accomplishments and new directions.

  • promote and facilitate long-range planning and integrated management in the coastal zone.