Minutes of BoFEP Annual General Meetings

Date of Meeting

1997 AGM - 15 November 1997, St. Andrews, NB.
1999 AGM -
24 April 1999, Sackville, N.B.
2000 AGM -
September 20th, 2000  Saint John, NB
2001 AGM - November 2, 2001, Sackville, NB minutes (pdf format)
2002 AGM - May 15, 2002, Wolfville, NS (Action Items)
2003 AGM - April 24, 2003, Alma NB.,  minutes (pdf format)  
2004 AGM - September 30, 2004, Cornwallis, NS, minutes (pdf format)

2005 AGM - October 26, 2005, St. Andrews, NB,  minutes (pdf format)
2006 AGM -
 October 25, 2006, St. Andrews, NB  minutes (pdf format)            
2007 AGM - November 29, 2007, Sackville, NB draft minutes (pdf format)
2010 AGM - November 24, 2010, Joggins Fossil Centre, Joggins NS  minutes (MSWord)

BoFEP Inaugural Annual General Meeting
15 November, 1997

Huntsman Marine Science Centre, St. Andrews, N.B.

The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Project (BOFEP) and its Virtual Institute
- how to get there from here?

Session Co-Chairs:
G. Daborn (ACER, Acadia), J.Percy (CARP), and P.G.Wells (Environment Canada and BOFEP)

Report on the meeting:
The meeting started with short presentations by groups that had been missed on the previous evenings:

          - Gulf of Maine Council [Larry Hildebrand]
          - NB Prospectors and Developers Association [Peter Fenety]
          - Coastal Zone Engineering Association [Jeff Ollerhead]
         - NB Dept of Fisheries and Aquaculture [Marianne Janowicz]
         - NB Conservation Council [David Coon]

The Chairman gave a brief overview of BOFEP concept and outlined the agenda and objectives for the morning session. Forty people attended the session.

There are a lot of diverse groups with an interest in and activities in the Bay of Fundy. These include Government agencies, NGO's (Non governmental organizations) and QUANGO's (quasi- non governmental organizations). Many of these groups do not really know what the others are doing even though there are many areas of overlap in their activities. There is a need for some sort of structure that would facilitate interactions among all these players. But we don't want a top-down, imposed hierarchical structure; it must be a flexible, adaptable arrangement that is permitted to evolve by itself in its own directions.

What is required is a Fundy Ecosystem Network. Such networking can be very productive and is non-threatening. One problem is that it is often difficult to quantify the success of such networking, because although the network itself triggers the initial interactions, the subsequent ramifications and ultimate results often occur beyond the ken of the network itself.

The network should focus on providing a forum for an extended discussion of issues around the Bay. To be effective, such initiatives usually need some common sense of vision and purpose. They can also serve to bring together other sorts of knowledge (such as "traditional environmental knowledge") and link it with the more traditional scientific information. It is important to establish such a network so that people are aware of who is doing what. But it is important to also move rapidly into more concrete things. The Organization cannot simply remain a network and web site. You can only keep people interested by engaging in concrete projects. There needs to be an umbrella organization to bring people together; but, it is important to go beyond that in order to keep the organization alive.

It is important to focus on issues; this is what gets people working together. If we focus on what it is that we want to do in general terms then ideas for specific projects will begin to flow. There is some concern that "health of the Ecosystem" is too fuzzy an issue. However, different people have different foci and there are a lot of issues of concern; there is not a single driving issue as it was in the days of the Tidal Power Project activities (1970-80's). Another issue to consider is that of "perception". Various groups have perceptions that are very narrow in scope; they do not recognize or understand the impacts of their activities on other groups or interest. We need to recognize that many groups are not represented at this meeting and many of these groups have money and influence and might be interested in participating in the network and its activities.

Many other groups are coming together on a Fundy-wide basis. There is no single overriding issue, but we cannot continue along the track of a fragmented approach to issues. There needs to be a more integrated, inclusive approach adopted that is more Ecosystem based. The basic problem here, though, is changing authority. We are continually having to deal with more complex issues and yet government is essentially withdrawing from its traditional management role. There is a need for some organization or body that assumes some of this authority for management of the Bay of its resources.

There was a general consensus that we should not get too hung up on a single issue at present. There are a lot of issues out there. The basic problem has been that a lot of groups haven't been talking to each other. It will be hard to identify a single issue of importance to all groups. It is important that the new organization be proactive in its approach rather than simply reacting to issues. Another role for such an organization might be as an information and data repository. There is a lot of valuable information out there somewhere; but much of it is effectively lost at present.

There appear to be two foci developing in the discussion: a) networking and integrated science and b) integrated management. Are these two compatible? Considering these two approaches as separate is probably not productive. We need to consider science and management in relation to each and how we can better integrate the activities of the two.

It is very important that the groups participating in the network retain their own strong identity. The important thing will be to foster collaboration among groups and assisting them in doing things that they can't do easily themselves within a group (e.g. the science information needs of resource harvesters etc).

There are already many strong initiatives underway that we can start building upon. This is a niche that the new organizations can start filling. One of the problems is that the sea belongs to everyone; it is a commons. The various users feel that they can do what they want because it is a common resource. We need to get everybody involved in making decisions about the use of the common resource and in finding ways of solving problems. [we need to get away from the traditional DFO approach; there is a problem; throw money at it].

It is important that we recognize that there are different levels at which we need to network )e.g. communication among scientists about specific scientific issues). It would be useful to develop a diagram indicating that there are different levels of interaction. We need to build this into the program. It is important that we not recreate traditional hierarchical and authoritarian structures; there needs to be a more egalitarian approach. We have to involve the people who live around the bay as they are the major stakeholders. We need to change their behaviour and activities if we are conserve resources and habitats. At the outset, the network idea is a powerful thing as it levels the playing field a bit and allows for wider participation. It allows the structure to evolve gradually as needed.

The mining industry (and probably other industries) are dealing with many of the same issues. They are also trying to identify and develop promising linkages with other groups. Hover, at the moment there is a perceived fence between industry groups and other groups. And this is something that we need to work towards eliminating.

Vision statement
We need to include "community" somewhere in vision statement. There has to be a stronger statement about sustainability of communities involved and about the interests of the communities. There was general agreement that we incorporate this idea into the vision statement.

Should we add "processes of, and impact on, the BOF Ecosystem"?

In referring to the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem we are really talking about the whole watershed. What about the Gulf of Maine? Someone suggested that GOM be referred to as the "Greater Bay of Fundy". We have to recognize that the boundaries are going to be variable and rather fuzzy according to what the particular interests and issues are. However, to include GOM could be biting off too large a chunk to effectively work with. The organization should primarily focus on activities and issues within the Bay of Fundy while recognizing the broader linkages and interests.

Do we need to include "long-term" as specific wording in a vision statement? This is generally implied in term sustainable. Should we include the phrase "conserving the diversity"?

In addition to this basic vision statement we might also consider developing a more expanded, detailed version that would describe how we would like to envision the Bay of Fundy in 20 or so years time. This would be a more concrete statement that more people could readily relate to.

It is important to include "first nations" in any listing. Also, delete the word "marine" from the phrase "marine scientists" to allow the broadest possible scientific participation *(e.g. social scientists etc.). Use the term "communities of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem "rather than just "coastal communities".

"Government" should be included in principle #3 because they have many non-regulatory involvements that would not be included under the term "managers".

There was a suggestion that we should perhaps simply say "groups and individuals with an interest in the Bay of Fundy" rather than specifying the various groups. However, it was felt that we should leave the listing of the various groups in, but make sure that the terms used for the groups are generic enough that they don't exclude anyone, or any group.

There was some question as to whether principle #4 is really a principle. Perhaps it would be better included as an objective. There was some concern about negativity involved in the term "non-hierarchical". Some preferred a more positive term such as "egalitarian" or "all partners who equally share the vision".

Should we use the term "virtual institute"? Are we simply trying to imply that this is not a governing structure?

It was agreed that principle #4 should be divided: the first half dealing with enhancing communication could remain as a principle; the second half should become a mechanism for doing this.

It was emphasised that we don't want to become a lobby group although, at some stage, we may want to promote certain activities and put pressure on funding agencies to ensure that the vision is being met. We must clearly be "promoting and not lobbying". People and agencies who are making decisions should be part of the network, and at the table, so it should not be necessary to lobby as they are part of the process.

We need a separate objective: "to develop long-range planning". The present wording sounds a bit too passive. Make it more positive and forceful: "promoting activities that". We need to focus on concrete things to keep members interested. We need concrete projects. Perhaps should add statement regarding acquisition of new knowledge. However, we should not carve the objectives in stone and find that they are an impediment later on. Perhaps we could simply add "BOFEP will initially undertake to ".

The partnerships should also specifically include the term "industry".

Question about whether we should use term "stakeholders". Consensus that we could leave it in, but perhaps include a glossary defining such terms. We don't want the terminology selected to be exclusive, but rather inclusive; perhaps use the term "and industries". In Principle #4 we should use wording to indicate that it is based on inclusiveness.

Basically we want to appoint a group that will take the spirit of this meeting and develop structures that will fulfil the views expressed by the group. The Steering committee should emphasize the importance of getting together periodically, perhaps by means of an annual workshop and not always at Huntsman.

We need to ensure that the Steering Committee is as representative of the various interests as possible; no one interest group should dominate. One possible option is for the final organization to have a small steering committee and a large

representative Board. The Steering Committee to be appointed here is not the final organisational structure, but is merely an interim body responsible for moving the process along. It should be clear that anyone who agrees to serve on the Steering Committee has to make a commitment to attend its meetings.

The following individuals were nominated, appointed or volunteered to the Interim Steering Committee:

          Thierry Chopin
          Sean Brillant
          Bob Rutherford
          Maria Recchia (or other)
          Mike Brylinsky
          Steve Hawboldt
          David Coon
          Peter Fenety
          Jon Percy
          Marianne Janowicz
          Alison Evans
          Graham Daborn
          Hugh Akagi (or other)
          Larry Hildebrand

It was agreed that the Committee would have the power to co-opt other members if needed. It would take the spirit of BOFEP and rework it as reflected in the opinions of those present at the inaugural meeting. It would develop plans for a more formal organisational meeting in 5-6 months time.

Other activities that this interim Steering Committee should undertake:
           - Annual Workshops - first one tentatively in Sackville N.B.
           - Revise vision and principles.
           - Develop proposal for an appropriate organisational structure
           - Ensure comprehensiveness of participation in the new organization.
           - Identify potential means of funding organization.

- Other specific activities/projects:
          - Explore opportunities for participation at Coastal Zone 2000 in Saint John.
          - Continue these discussions and planning activities via a list server and other electronic means.
          - Identify a list of possible projects/activities.
          - Develop web site to enhance communication.

Eventually, the organization will have to consider the land-use issue and how to address conflicting uses.

There was a vote of thanks to Mick Burt for organizing the Workshop, to Peter Wells for helping develop the program and to the Huntsman Marine Science Laboratory and to DFO for providing the facilities.

Meeting adjourned 1240h.

BoFEP Annual General Meeting
24 April 1999
, Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B.

Participants: Graham Daborn (Chair), Bob Rutherford, Gail Chmura, Barry Jones (Secretary), Pamela Chang,
Elsie Sunderland, Peter Wells, Anne Monette, Thomas Young, Larry Hildebrand, Jack Terhune,   John Kearney, Thierry Chopin, Robin Davidson-Anwott, Jon Percy, Mick Burt, Doug Campbell, Jeff Ollerhead, Peter Fenety, David Mossman, Peter Hicklin, William Gardiner

1.  Introduction:
The meeting began at 9:00 am with Graham Daborn as Chair.  The agenda was approved with the addition of an item on budget under Other Business.

2.  Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the last meeting of BoFEP participants held in Digby, N.S. on October 8, 1998 were approved as written.  There was no business arising from the minutes.

3.  Background Report:
Graham Daborn gave a presentation on the development of BoFEP, noting activities and recommendations arising from recent relevant workshops and projects, in particular ones on tidal barriers, the Minas Basin, storm surges and the 3rd Bay of Fundy Science Workshop just ended.

4.  BoFEP Working Groups:
During the 3rd Bay of Fundy Science Workshop it was recommended that several Working Groups be established to pursue specific issues of interest to members.  The following groups were identified, along with contact/leaders:

          Eutrophication & Nutrition (Thierry Chopin)
          Saltmarsh Dynamics & Restoration (Jeff Ollerhead)
          Fish Migration Studies (Rod Bradford)
          Marine Protected Areas (Maria-Ines Buzeta)
          Ecotourism (Tom Young)
          Stress & Cumulative Effects (Mick Burt)
          Tidal Restrictions (Peter Wells)
          Sedimentation (Dave Mossman)
          Resource Development (Peter Fenety)
          Communications and web site development (Jon Percy)
          Toxics (Peter Wells)
          Corophium (Peter Wells)

It was also suggested that BoFEP should incorporate a social science perspective in its activities, not just natural sciences.

5.  BoFEP Officers and Structure:
The existing structure consisted of a Steering Committee of all present at our previous meeting, with a chair and secretariat.  Jon Percy will update the contact information on the web site, and distinguish our site from DFO's Fundy Forum.  The Steering Committee will remain in place, but considerable discussion on the pros and cons of greater structure for financial and promotionary reasons resulted in a consensus for the establishment of a Management Committee consisting of the following positions and officers:

          Chair (Graham Daborn)
          Secretary (Barry Jones)
          Treasurer (vacant)
          Webmaster (Jon Percy)
          "At-Large" (Larry Hildebrand)

There was also considerable discussion on what constituted "the membership" ", and recognition of the need to develop a list of organizations that are represented on BoFEP, the latter to be called affiliates rather than members or partners. Action: Mick Burt agreed to develop some definition of a  "consortium" concept for our next meeting. 

It was agreed that the permanent home of BoFEP would reside with Acadia University (ACER) for the forseeable future. . However, for representation on either side of the Bay, it was suggested that Huntsman might provide the same role on the New Brunswick side.  It was also suggested that BoFEP should seek a permanent seat on the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Working Group, and that our chair should make a presentation on BoFEP to the next GOMC Working Group meeting in June, 1999, in Yarmouth, N.S.  Action: Barry Jones agreed to look into such arrangements.

6. Funding Options:
Two models were considered for possible funding for BoFEP projects: (a) BoFEP receives and administers research funding or (b) partners receive and administer funding, with BoFEP simply facilitating and coordinating partnerships. In the latter option we would need to develop a mechanism for BoFEP to receive some funding to carry out its routine activities. Two possible sources were identified, namely, NSERC Research Network funding and a grant from the Canadian University Research Alliance. These should be looked into. Action: Peter Wells agreed to look into possible funding for the web site, proceedings, fact sheets, etc.

7.  Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the BoFEP membership will be held in the fall near the end of October, 1999, to be called by the Management committee.  The principal agenda items will be a review/ confirmation of the structure question, a clarification of the mission statement and consideration of a budget.  It was also noted that the 4th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop will be held at and during the CZC2000 conference in September, 2000, in Saint John, N.B., along with our Annual General Meeting for that year.

8.  Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.  No other business was discussed.

BoFEP Annual General Meeting 2000
September 20th, 2000 ( 5:00 to 7:00 pm) Saint John, New Brunswick

Graham Daborn
, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research (Chairperson); Anne Mercer, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research; Jon Percy, SeaPen; Barry Jones, NB Dept. of Environment and Local Government; Patricia Hinch, NS Dept. of the Environment; Max Westhead, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Peter Wells, Environment Canada; Gerhard Pohle (for Mark Costello), Huntsman Marine Science Centre; Thierry Chopin, UNBSJ; Tim Hall, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Thomas Young, Resource Management Association; Donika van Proosdij, Saint Mary’s University/University of Guelph; Gail Chmura, McGill University; Walt van Walsum, UNB; Gary W. Saunders, UNBF; Bob Maher, COGS; Tim Webster, COGS; Bill Crossman, Bay of Fundy Marine Resource Centre; Kenton (Ken) E. Kinney, NB Dept. of the Environment and Local Government; Sean Brillant, ACAP Saint John; Hugh Akagi, Passamaquoddy First Nation); Philip Holmes, SCEP; Colin R. Bates, UNB-F; Joan Reid, DFO-Habitat; Stephanie Astephen, DFO-Habitat; Ted Cavanagh, Architectural Planning – Dalhousie Integrated Coastal Planning Project; Larry Hildebrand, Environment Canada; Shawn Dalton, John Hopkins University, Baltimore Ecosystem Study; Deb MacLatchy, UNB Saint John; Jamey Smith, Coastal Smith Inc.; Mike Butler, Oceans Institute; Claudette LeBlanc, ACZISC Secretariat; Paula Noel, Irving Nature Park Saint John; Won Oh Song, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; David Thompson, CCNB; Tony M. Bowron, Ecology Action Centre; David Greenburg, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Jeff Ollerhead, Mount Allison University

Regrets: Alison Evans, Arthur Bull, Dave Coon, Maria-Inez Buzeta and Steve Hawboldt.

1. Call to Order (G. Daborn in Chair)
The Chair explained that this is not a "founding meeting" in the true sense, but rather an attempt to provide BoFEP with a somewhat more formal framework than it has thus far had. A description of what BoFEP does and what it entails was provided. Stated that BoFEP provides a mechanism to link all the various organizations around the Bay of Fundy and membership is open to anyone interested, concerned with and involved in the Bay of Fundy.

2. Approval of Minutes of AGM on April 24th, 1999 in Sackville NB.
Errors or omissions:
Participants’ names - Robin Davidson-Anwott should be Robin Davidson-Arnott
Item 4 – BoFEP Working Groups: P. Wells stated that the Tidal Restrictions Working Group includes Janice Harvey along with himself.
Item 5 – BoFEP Officers and Structure: J. Percy should also be referred to as Coordinator as well as Webmaster.

Motion to accept minutes as corrected
B. Jones - Carried

3. Matters arising from the minutes of April 24th , 1999
Action Item 1: Mick Burt agreed to develop some definition of a "consortium" concept for our next meeting. There has been no word from Mick Burt on this.

Action Item 2: Barry Jones was to look into BoFEP possibly seeking a permanent seat on the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Working Group. B. Jones indicated that they will keep the status quo for now, but this doesn't preclude us having a permanent seat at table in the future. It may be an option to become a "Friend of the GOMC" through the GOMC’s establishing the Gulf of Maine Friends Group. Noted that the GPAC group is looking at having a structural relationship between the two groups (GPAC and BoFEP?). If BoFEP wants to establish such a relationship needs to approach the GOMC to suggest structural linkages. Action Item #1: Barry Jones will provide information on this that GOMC Working Group receives. Steering Committee to deal with this item in the future.

Action Item 3: Peter Wells agreed to look into possible funding for the website, proceedings, fact sheets, etc. P. Wells noted that there has been extensive funding for BoFEP from Environment Canada and support from DFO for various communication products. The chairman acknowledged that there has been a great deal of financial support from both EC and DFO and this has largely kept BoFEP going.

4. Adoption of BoFEP draft Constitution
The draft constitution was presented for discussion and amendment. G. Daborn gave an update of the reason for this constitution and explained that we need formal structure to create an entity in order to obtain funding in order to carry on our work.

Article 1:
change to: "includes the full Bay seaward as an integral part of the Gulf of Maine".

Article 4:
It was questioned how organizational and individual memberships differ and discussion took place on this.
The following changes were made to this article:
Change to "……any individual or representative of an organization….."
Change to: "…..supports the Purpose of the Partnership and reconfirms such membership from time to time as required by the Steering Committee."

Article 5:
Steering Committee members are elected at the AGM. Discussion about manner of voting for members of Steering Committee; should various constituencies within the organization vote only for their own representatives? Do we really want to make the structure this formal at this point? Consensus is that we continue with an open election procedure for the time being. If the need arises we can establish a more formal voting procedure in the future. We should include an additional statement about the possibility of nominations from the floor at the AGM - in addition to the slate proposed by the nominating committee. Question as to whether we should specify maximum number of terms that Steering Committee members can serve? At this stage in evolution of organization probably best not to limit willing volunteers. Question as to whether we need a mechanism for resigning from committee and for removing someone from committee. Felt that it was not necessary to spell this out. Normal term of the Steering Committee will be until next AGM.
Change to: "Steering Committee members will serve until the next Annual General Meeting. There will be no remuneration for Steering Committee members."

Article 6:
Take out last six words in Article: "….. until the next Annual General Meeting."

Article 7:
Discussion took place on how often the Management Committee should meet and is there a requirement to meet? Due to the unincorporated status of the organization this is not an issue and will merely be a set of guidelines put in place.

Motion to adopt constitution as amended
B. Jones/L. Hildebrand - Carried

5. Reports from Working Groups
Brief reports were presented by several of the Working Group chairs present regarding recent activities of their groups. Several of the groups are now fully active. Others are still getting themselves organized. Details about the Working Groups and their composition and activities are available on the BoFEP Website http://www.auracom.com/~bofep

6. Activities and Work Plan
This item was tabled to the next BoFEP Steering Committee Meeting.

7. Election of Steering Committee
The Nominating Committee proposed that the following  be elected to the Steering Committee for the coming year:
Hugh Akagi, Sean Brillant, Arthur Bull, Michael Butler, Gail Chmura, Thierry Chopin, David Coon, Mark Costello, Graham Daborn, Tim Hall, Stephen Hawboldt, Peter Hicklin, Larry Hildebrand, Pat Hinch, Barry Jones, Anne Mercer, David Mossman, Jeff Ollerhead, Jon Percy, Maria Recchia, Peter Wells, Maxine Westhead, Thomas Young,
1 Vacancy to be filled by Steering Committee

Motion to accept proposed Steering Committee
Tim Hall -- Carried

8. Other Business
Recommendation that the next AGM meeting be held in May 2001. The 2002 AGM would also be held in May to coincide with the BoFEP Science Workshop to be held in Wolfville. J. Percy sought and received agreement in principle to explore the possibility of holding a BoFEP Science Workshop in Annapolis Royal in 2005 to coincide with celebrations of the 400th Anniversary of European settlement of the area, with a theme oriented to 400 years of change in the Bay of Fundy.

9. Adjournment
The Annual General Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
May 15, 2002  from 18:10 to 21.15 pm

Participants: Graham Daborn, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research (Chairperson); Nancy Roscoe-Huntley, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research (Scribe); Hugh Akagi, Passamaquoddy First Nation; Peter Austin-Smith; Sean Brillant, ACAP Saint John; Mike Brylinsky, Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research; Maria-Ines Buzeta, Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans; Thierry Chopin, University of New Brunswick, Saint John; Chiu L. Chou, Fisheries & Oceans, Canada; Cameron Deacoff, Dalhousie University, student – Dalhousie University; Dave Duggan, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Kathy Faulkner, Baymount Outdoor Adventures Inc.; Sheri Faulkner-Jackson, student – Simon Fraser University; Donald and Elaine Hendricks, Acadia Univeristy, Irving Project; Peter Hicklin, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada; Larry Hildebrand, Environment Canada; Patricia Hinch, NS Dept. of Environment and Labor; Marianne Janowicz, NB Dept. of Environment and Local Government; Barry Jones, BoFEP Treasurer; Marty King, World Wildlife Fund Canada; Charles LeBlanc, Environment Canada; Colin MacKinnon, Canadian Wildlife Service; Teresa Newcomb; Jon Percy, BoFEP; Peter Lawton, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Angela Martin, Huntsman Marine Science Centre; Amanda McGuire, Huntsman Marine Science Centre; Vincent Mercier, Environment Canada; Lisa Paon, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Pam Person, GPAC; Gerhard Pohle, Huntsman Marine Science Centre; Robert Rangeley, World Wildlife Fund; Bob Rutherford, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans-BIO; Danika van Prooskij, Saint Mary’s University; Brad Walters, Mount Allison University; Peter Wells, Environment Canada; Maxine Westhead, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans; Renee Wissink, Fundy National Park; Thomas Young, Resource Management

  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair, G. Daborn welcomed members to the Annual General meeting and asked that everyone fill in the sign up form and return to Nancy so we can have a record of those in attendance.

  3. Additions to/Acceptance of the agenda
  4. Maxine announced an annual BoFEP run to be scheduled for tomorrow, May 16th, beginning at 6:30. All interested should meet in the lobby of Seminary House.

  5. Approval of Minutes of AGM on November 2nd, 2001 in Sackville, NB
  6. Graham went through several points of question from the floor, including the interaction with the GPAC, points from the last AGM, the role of BoFEP in the Integrated Management proposal, and the process of electing a new steering and management committee following the adjournment of this meeting. He noted that at the last AGM, BoFEP Bi-Laws were adopted.

    Item #12 from the last minutes referred to the Gulf of Maine Council and should have read "GPAC".

    Motion to approve the minutes Jones/Hildebrand. Motion carried.

  7. Business arising from the previous AGM
  8. Dealt with in the previous item.

  9. Acceptance of the BoFEP Strategic Plan
  10. Jon provided an update of the BoFEP Strategic Plan he has been developing that will provide a framework to implement a work plan, providing direction to BoFEP. He noted the eight general areas that will be developed including both long-term as well as short-term goals. When final and approved by BoFEP, the Strategic Plan will be placed on the web site. Jon indicated he was not seeking acceptance since this is a working document requiring revisions. Copies will be circulated to members of the Steering Committee for review and comments. At the last BoFEP Steering Committee meeting the Strategic Plan was approved in principle and will be circulated in its final form prior to acceptance.

    Moved by L. Hildebrand, seconded by J. Ollerhead that the Strategic Plan be distributed to all members of BoFEP.

    The motion was then amended to include – to send out a ballot by email accepting, accepting with changes, or rejecting

    Motion carried unanimously.

  11. Update on BoFEP Working Group activities
  12. Minas Basin Working group chaired by Pat Hinch reported that this group has been very active.

    She spoke on the Gulf of Maine Habitat proposal, the work of the community forums was discussed including the upcoming leaders meeting.

    Corophium group chaired by Peter Wells provided a brief update on recent meetings and activities. This is an active group and special thanks to Diana Hamilton for the successful panel discussion at the 5th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop.

    Nutrification of Coastal Waters chaired by Thierry Chopin reported on the projects on which they are focusing. He also noted that a nutrient workshop may be planned for the Bay of Fundy region.

    Tidal Barriers and Saltmarshes, co-chaired by Janice Harvey and Jeff Ollerhead reported that they have approximately 25 members as a result of two groups merging. They have met a number of times. Jeff noted the objectives they are focusing on and provided details.

    Ecotourism chaired by Tom Young reported on the successful workshop held last fall with the financial assistance of BoFEP. He also reported on the activities of the Biosphere Reserve project, the committee structure as well as the problems encountered. An ecotourism fact sheet (#21) has been released at this workshop thanks to Jon Percy. Tom also noted that 2002 is UN"s year of the tourist.

    Defining stress/cumulative effects chaired by Mick Burt and reported via Peter Wells indicated that this is a small group, requiring additional members. They are in the early stages of a workplan. A PhD project at UNBSJ and the Huntsman Marine Science Centre is underway and being supervised by both Peter and Mick.

    Sedimentation working group chaired by David Mossman have provided a term of reference. They are discussing an issue with the Tidal Group. This item will be placed on the Steering Committee’s next agenda.

    Fish Migration currently being chaired by Rob Bradford. He has voiced concern over not being able to continue to chair this group. Jamie Gibson will be asked to serve as chair for this group.

    Resource Development- chaired by Peter Fenety began three years ago and has not been heard from since that time. This group was formed around the issue of mining. Following discussion it was agreed that Peter Fenety would be contacted. It was suggested that issues such as Titanium could be dealt with by the Minas Basin Working group.

    Motion to strike this committee from the BoFEP working groups B. Jones/J. Ollerhead

    Amended to say subsume into the Minas Basin Working group.

    Following discussions on whether to merge this group or to keep the issue on the table, the question was called.

    All in favor with the exception of one abstention vote.

    This item would be placed on the next BoFEP Steering Committee agenda to see if someone is willing to come forward to establish a committee to meet the issues of this committee as well as to chair the group.

    Moved by B. Rutherford, seconded by D. Duggan to invite Gordon Fader to attend a Steering Committee meeting to discuss issue dealing with Middle Bay).

    Motion carried unanimously.

    Toxic chemicals group currently needs an active chair. Following discussion, it was agreed to keep this working group on the books and an attempt will be made to find a chair as well as new members. If interested, please contact Graham or Peter.

    Marine Protected Areas group chaired by Maria-Ines Buzeta advised that their next meeting will be held in Sackville, NB. Maria discussed issues of concern regarding finding a co-chair and the need for new members. Jon will review the membership forms to determine if there are members interested in joining this group (as well as other working groups and provide contact information to all chairs).

    Graham provided clarification on what is a working group vs committee work. Emphasis should be on the work in progress.

    Communications and Web Site- Jon Percy works single-handed on this committee, preparing various publications, posters and maintaining the BoFEP web site. Jon attends as many of the working group meetings as time permits. During the past year he has designed and constructed information kiosks that will be placed in various areas surrounding the Bay of Fundy; one is in the Visitors Centre at Fundy National Park, Alma, New Brunswick. Kiosks will be an ongoing project for Jon during the next several months. During the past year Jon has worked on the BoFEP By-Laws, and prepared a Strategic Plan. Jon noted he is trying to get more information into the Gulf of Maine Times. Editor of this publication, Andy Reardon, has been covering the workshop this week. Jon has been the initiator of the BoFEP Slide project. Anyone with slides, please contact Jon. Jon will scan, digitize, and eventually, there will be an available data base of slides to be used in presentations. Hugh is also working with elder, David Frances, to prepare a translation of fact sheets.

    Integrated Coastal Management Working group is co-chaired by B. Jones and L. Hildebrand. At the last AGM, Barry made a proposal on Integrated Management. Since that time he has retired from DFO. Further discussions focused on the Oceans Strategy Act, and DFO’s role.

    Coastal Development chaired by Allison Evans did not have a report.

    Zooplankton is chaired by Jack Fife but appears to be inactive at this time.

    Motion by L. Hildebrand/seconded by B. Jones that the new Steering Committee contact chairs of inactive working groups and determine if they wish to continue or make a decision whether the group should be dropped.

    All in favor, motion carried.

  13. Update on the Steering Committee/Management Committee activities/decisions
  14. Graham reported that the Steering Committee had met three times since the last AGM in November, 2002, either in person or by conference call. They have discussed financial/budget concerns, a strategic working plan, the Integrated Management Plan, been involved with plans for the 5th Bay of Fundy Science workshop, and assisted working groups when necessary. A lengthy Integrated Fisheries proposal was prepared and submitted to the Federal Minister of Fisheries. They have also been involved in promoting interest in BoFEP and issues in the Bay of Fundy.

    The Management Committee has dealt with financial requests from the Ecotourism Working group for assistance in a workshop as well as a request from the Minas Basin Working group to assist their coordinator to complete the work started on community workshops.

  15. DF0 Proposal re: BoFEP role in integrated management in the Bay of Fundy
  16. (deferred)

  17. Work Plans and proposed budget for 2002-2003
  18. Barry Jones circulated financial statements for 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. After reviewing the 2001-2002 financial statement,

    Motion from P. Pearson/seconded by D. Duggan to accept the financial statement from 2001-2002.

    All in favor, motion carried.

    Following a length discussion and questions relating to the 2002-2003 budget

    Motion from J. Ollerhead/seconded by M. Janowicz to have the Steering Committee revisit a revised budget and to produce a new draft budget, distribute to the members for a yes/no ballot with any other materials that are being forwarded to the membership.

    All in favor, motion carried.

    Motion from T. Chopin/seconded by C. Deacoff that the Steering Committee should reevaluate the new numbers and the working group provide an estimate of what they will be asking for the next year.

    All in favor, motion carried.

    The question of auditors was discussed. Acadia has been the auditor for the BoFEP accounts. The new Steering Committee will be asked to access how we handle the auditing of funds.

    Motion from B. Jones/seconded by J. Ollerhead that the auditors for the upcoming year be Acadia University for all BoFEP money.

    All in favor, motion carried.

  19. Nominations and Election of Steering Committee
  20. B. Jones reported on behalf of the nominating committee. All present members (20/24) are prepared to stay on the Steering Committee. The following individuals were elected to the Steering Committee: Davd Duggan, Rob Rangeley and Maria-Ines Buzeta. Justin Huston also volunteered to sit on the Steering Committee.

    All members declared elected.

  21. Date and location of the next AGM
  22. Motion from B. Jones/seconded by P. Wells that the next AGM will be at the call of the chair and the location will be determined at a later date.

  23. Other Business
  24. The Gulf of Maine Council has invited the Minas Basin Working group to give a presentation in June.

    Peter Wells reported that ~190 registrations have been received for the 5th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop. It appears to have been a huge success.

    Peter also noted that the expenses for publications from Environment Canada were $7500 and expects the cost for this year will be ~$10,500.

  25. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by J. Ollerhead at 9:15 pm.

Action items From the 2002 Annual General Meeting
May 15th, 2002, 18:10 to 21:15  Acadia University, Wolfville, NS

1. The Strategic Plan be distributed to all members of BoFEP which will include a ballot indicating acceptance, acceptance with changes, or rejection.

2. To review the working groups, in particular, those that have been inactive for some time as well as determining the status of current chairs.

3. Invite Gordon Fader and Dick Pickerel of BIO/GSC to a Steering Committee meeting to discuss mining issues in the Bay of Fundy.

4.A revised budget to be presented at the next Steering Committee meeting.